The December theme is: Best of the Year
This month's judge will be everyone as it will be a polled vote
Theme description:
As the final contest of the year the theme is Best of the Year. Simply choose one of the images that you have uploaded to a previous forum contest.
Rules can be found here. This month has the additional rule that the photo must have been uploaded in a previous month's forum contest. Keep in mind this is just for fun and has no impact on points gained during our regular monthly competitions.
If you are unsure how to post a photo visit this post here where you can learn how to add a photo to your reply.
Submissions are due by December 17 2015 by 6 P.M. Voting will take place in the days after submissions are due. To submit a photo simple reply to this posting by adding a comment below.
If you have any questions or problems uploading a photo please email Robert Fehnel at
I should mention entries this month need not have won a previous month just that it had to be entered.
With no entries that will finish the online forum contest. I hope everyone has a good holidays and hopefully some good photo ops.