The November theme is: Thankful
This month's judge will be everyone as it will be a polled vote
Theme description:
With Thanksgiving coming up this theme popped up. Whether it is a photo of something you are thankful for, or just thankful to take a photo ( perhaps a once in a lifetime photo) they all fit this months theme.
Rules can be found here. Keep in mind this is just for fun and has no impact on points gained during our regular monthly competitions.
If you are unsure how to post a photo visit this post here where you can learn how to add a photo to your reply.
Submissions are due by November 26 2015 by 6 P.M. Voting will take place in the days after submissions are due. To submit a photo simple reply to this posting by adding a comment below.
If you have any questions or problems uploading a photo please email Robert Fehnel at
The dove seems to thank for letting it cross the path
Thankful for fleece sheets.
Thankful for Virginia's natural beauty
Thankful to attend and graduate from a good school
Thankful for the beauty of nature.
Thankful for friends
Voting is now open. To cast your vote please scroll to the top of page choose your winner and click on the vote button under the options. Voting will close next week. Also please give your critiques or comments on the photos.
Ranjit: the subject is out of focus (the focal point seems to be about two feet behind the bird) and the subject is dark relative to the background. The latter you can work with, by maybe overexposing the BG and vignetting, but the missed focus makes the shot pretty impossible to work with. Everything takes your eye away from the bird.
Jim: Love it! What a cozy shot. Great light, texture and framing. Tiny thing would be the upper right corner; it does actually grab my eye.
Alda: I'd love to see a high-res of that. And by high-res I mean super sharp, 2000+ pixels tall and 10,000+ pixels wide. There's probably a lot in there to see.
Robert: nice, as always. Great light. Sunny but not too contrasty. What did you do to it? I like the off-axis perspective; it's a nice change from the mirror-geometry shots of the Rotunda and lawn that we see so often.
Stephen: that is really nice. REALLY nice. Wonderful color matching, I really like the framing/cropping, and no technical flaws stand out at all. I assume it's sideways? I like that, too.
Gene, that one really grabs me emotionally and is the runaway winner for theme (you got my vote). I can't help but think it's a tad dark; maybe a bit of dodging in the center would make the hands pop more? Horizontally I think everything is OK but vertically I can't decide if it needs more or less at the top or bottom. It seems slightly off, but it works, and above all I keep looking at it so there you go.
Ranjit - I will mirror the comments of Anton above. I will add that while even if everything Anton said was corrected you may want to add something to the photo perhaps another dove to give interaction and make it a more interesting photo.
Jim - Warm soft and fuzzy. The dogs texture mimics that almost of the fleece. Almost an environmental portrait just of an animal in everyday life.
Alda - Wow there is alot there. I believe there was a panorama workshop and it may have been mentioned that at some point it is too wide. Now I have been guilty of doing that same thing. I wonder what this would be like as a triptych on a wall using multiple canvases. The colors are wonderful in the setting light. If i am being nitpicky i think on the lower left i wish the tops of the trees werent there and that the grass led its way to the structures. But with that said i dont mind them too much cause it gives a nice color pop on the lower portion of the image.
Me: UVA is a wonderful place.
Stephen: This photo is beautiful. I am curious was this a single shot or stacked focus. Not that it matters much because the end result is perfect. The lighting you had was spot on and no harsh shadows.
Gene: You took an everyday scene cropped in to the part that mattered for this topic. It looks like you added just a bit of vignette which really brought the eye into the handshake. This was a really great way to capture this theme.
My vote when all said and done goes to stephen ellis. The technique used was spot on for this type of flower photo and it was my favorite image.
Voting for this will close tomorrow 12/3/15 at 6 PM. Everyone can vote whether you entered the competition or not. Also please feel free to add your comments or critiques.
Ranjit: Don't think you need my comment by now.
Jim: Your photo made me smile. Nice shot - natural (it looks like) or a set up?
Me: My recent first attempt at taking multiple shots to create a pano in PS. Fun but lots to learn. Thanks for your comments.
Robert: Your photo should be made into a glossy poster for some UVa advertising. Great color and, as Anton said, nice perspective.
Stephen: Really like your photo - the subtle shades of blue and lavender, color contrast of the blue and yellow, sharp detail of petals' veining and the soft lighting that bathes the flower. This one does it for me! Lovely macro shot.
Gene: Your picture tugs at the heart strings. Yours is a close second choice for me. Nice capture of a private moment between two friends.
The votes have been tallied and this months winner is: Stephen Ellis.
Congratulations on winning and your beautiful photo.