The October theme is: Changing Colors
This month's judge will be everyone as it will be a polled vote
Theme description:
Changing colors can obviously refer to the autumn of the year and the changing colors we can find outside. However, dont let that limit you this can also include any photo that you have creatively processed to have a changing color. Have fun with this category and emphasize the colors or them changing.
Rules can be found here. Keep in mind this is just for fun and has no impact on points gained during our regular monthly competitions.
If you are unsure how to post a photo visit this post here where you can learn how to add a photo to your reply.
Submissions are due by October 29 2015 by 6 P.M. Voting will take place in the days after submissions are due. To submit a photo simple reply to this posting by adding a comment below.
If you have any questions or problems uploading a photo please email Robert Fehnel at
I'm not sure if this qualifies, but it is a photo showing changing colors.
It's titled "Fire & Water."
Image is of the iridescent colors caused by the interference of the solar rays that are diffracted around and refracted through the silk fibers of the spider web. Title: Iridescent Web
Shot in southern Albemarle. Edited with Fractalius.
Golden Silhouette
Ablutions, Sugar Mountain, NC.
A painterly look along Skyline Drive
for color change theme
Autumn Canopy
Please cast your vote by choosing one of the options at the top of the page. Feel free to comment or critique the other photos as well.
I thought all the submissions really captured the theme this month. Seth's spider web was mesmerizing; really does look like a CD. Jim's use of Fractalius on his autumn scene gives it s wonderful, soft feeling. The colors in Rob's backlite tree with the stark contrast of the limbs is beautiful. Ginger's duck in the pond reflecting the fall yellows is nicely composed. Gene's Skyline Drive landscape really captures fall in the mountains. And Deborah's muted leaf and log is perfectly accented with the drops of water. But Alda's really did it for me: the different colors, the backlighting, the limbs of the Birch (?)tree...all nicely done. So, Alda gets my vote.
Photo submissions were so varied and each one had much to like. They all captured the essence of the theme well and in very unique ways. My vote goes to Ginger's "Ablutions, Sugar Mountain". I like the well captured golden ripples and how those curves echo the dark curves seen on the duck's feathers. A well captured peaceful moment in time.
These are all special pictures. I liked the colors and abstractness of Toni's Fire and Water, the WOW aspect of the Seth's Iridescent Web as well as the scientific explanation,the artistic/painting effect of Jim and Gene's fall mountain scene, and of course the wonderful, feeling of autumn marvel of Robert's and Alda's trees. However, I cast my vote for Ginger's Ablutions and what a great title. (The dictionary definition..washing of the body usually for religious purposes, liguids used for such washing.) I chose it because it was such a unique picture of a rather common bird. I especially liked the round shape of bird and water and the golden glow. It reminded me of my love of the honking flock of geese flying overhead, often then landing in a pond.
So I have to say i agree with many of the above comments. Every photo entered displayed the theme perfectly. My vote went to Jim Demas. I find the texture of the photo using the post processing to really enhance the photo.
There has been a week for voting and now it is time to reveal the winner.
Tied for first with 2 votes a piece are:
Gene Runion - A painterly look along Skyline Drive
Ginger Ferrell - Ablutions
Congratulations to the two winners.
Also receiving 1 vote are:
Jim Demas, Alda Vidich, Deborah Kellams, Seth Silverstein