I recently added a Nikon D750 to my "kit" for landscape work to get the advantages of a fx sensor size. It came with a kit lens Nikon 24-120mm f4 lens which is Ok but I really need to take the leap and add a really sharp professional lens to my collection. I've read the varying opinions on line but I would be interested to get opinions on what you feel is the sharpest/best lens in the Nikon line for landscape work. I realize there are many factors to sharpness but I do think I need better glass. Thanks for your opinions.
Stan, come to Workshop tomorrow night to Nikon area and we will try to guide you based on your plans.
The Nikon 24-70 f/2.8 is the classic--it comes with or without vibration reduction (a $500 add-on). If you're primarily shooting from a tripod, VR isn't necessary. Lenstips and DoX Mark have objective tests of many lenses. Actually, your kit lens isn't bad. If you only want wide angle, the Sigma 20-35 f/2 is one of the sharpest Lenstip has ever tested and costs about half of a Nikon.
Yes, I'll agree that the 24-70 f/2.8 Nikkor is a very sharp and sturdy lens. I use mine all the time and would be happy to bring it to one of the meetings to show you. However, you may want to check on some of the excellent after-market competitors (Sigma and Tamron), which sell for less and may be just as capable.
Thanks - Just bought the Nikon 24-70mm 2.8 without VR since I will be using this on a tripod and I'll keep the kit lens for a walk around lens. . Looking forward to giving it a workout. Read reviews and appreciated your thoughts.
A good friend of mine has a D750 and I have a D810 and we both love our Tamron VR 24-70 2.8 lenses. It is a great walking around lens. I also love my Nikkor 105mm and I covet a 70-200mm VR Nikkor but I do pretty well with my 70-300 Nikkor. Also a 50MM 1.8 Nikkor works very well. Good luck.
I have the Nikon 24-70 and want another lens that will compliment it and I can use when I travel. I am considering the Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR Lens or he 70-300...would love some advice. Isn't there a website that reviews lenses? How much credence to put in those reviews?
Sandy, http://www.imaging-resource.com has a lot of excellent lens reviews for many brands. I use it all the time and find their reviews helpful. Also https://www.dpreview.com has many lens and camera reviews that seem equally useful.
Sandy, I would personally go for the 70-300mm over the 28-300mm simply by the focal length match to your current lens if you can travel/use two lenses. If you want just one lens then the 28-300 might be good depending on your requirements.
Speaking of the 28-300mm, optically it is fairly hard to get such a large range of focal lengths to give the best images, at least at a reasonable price. My Canon zooms are the 8-15mm, 28-105, and 100-400mm. This set covers almost every focal length I need. I often use a 2x extender at the 400mm fl (gives 800mm) when I want to reach out for that dragonfly on the far side of the pond with the poor quality background! I also don't say to myself when in the field, darn I wish I had a 24mm!