New advanced LR topics

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Fax Ayres
Fax Ayres's picture
New advanced LR topics

Okay, it's fall and this group has been dead for months.....

Let's generate a list of potential meeting topics (John, I think you probably have this, accumulated from prior meetings) and get another meeting on the books. I'm happy to host.

I would propose that we strive to keep the next meeting well focused on the chosen topic, with a solid agenda, and open it up to the wandering Q&A and open talk at the end.....

So...what next? New photomerge and HDR capabilities? Exporting to various plugins, etc.? (OnOne, Nik, etc.)...


John Hulburt
John Hulburt's picture

Great suggestion. I for one would like to spend additional time on DXO Optics Pro 10. Best week night for me is Thursday's.

Gerry Bishop
Gerry Bishop's picture

Agree we should meet, agree we need to better focus our meetings, and thank you, Fax, for agreeing to host.

The new HDR and Pano functions are pretty simple (and very good!), so I don't think we need to work with them as a group.

Tim Grey has a new set of videos on cleaning up a messy catalog, so maybe we could watch those as a group and then discuss.


John Hulburt
John Hulburt's picture

Yes I watched Tim's "mess" video. Most tips are fairly basic such as a good file name template, runs two hours at B&h event space. Tim is an entertaining speaker.

Rick Seaman
Rick Seaman's picture

I am all in favor of getting this group going again. More time spent on DXO Optics Pro 10 is of interest, as well as getting a better understanding of split toning and working with the tone curves. Thursdays are also good for me.

Ken Porter
Ken Porter's picture

Thursday's after 6:30 work for me. I've been using DxO as my raw converter, ACR rarely, but a comparison between the two might be of interest. Strengths/weaknesses of the two?

Larry Bouterie
Larry Bouterie's picture

Ditto on DXO and Thursdays

Gerry Bishop
Gerry Bishop's picture

So, let's set a date. Fax, since you're hosting, you should pick the first Thursday that's convenient for you.


Fax Ayres
Fax Ayres's picture

Yes - sorry, I didn't set myself an alert for this forum and didn't know you guys had been posting replies! Let's shoot for Sept. 24th at 7pm.
For a Tentative agenda, I propose that someone run through their workflow for ACR and someone else do the same for DXO...These should be short - 15 or 20 mins each. Short Q&A after each, and then after both are done, open up for the no-holds barred wide ranging discussion of whatever that is related!

John Hulburt
John Hulburt's picture

I will attend.

Gerry Bishop
Gerry Bishop's picture

I'd be happy to demo the ACR workflow.


John Hulburt
John Hulburt's picture

If you have a moment for beautiful panos click on

Fax Ayres
Fax Ayres's picture

Great....volunteers for the DXO workflow?

Jim Fergus
Jim Fergus's picture

I will attend.

Fax Ayres
Fax Ayres's picture

My address is
16 Canterbury Rd. 22903
8th house on the right, just before a red fire hydrant.
phone 434-249-3977

If you don't mind, please let me know if you plan on attending so I know what sort of count we've got.

See you all tonight!

John Hulburt
John Hulburt's picture

I will attend

Jim Fergus
Jim Fergus's picture

I will be there tonight.

Gene Runion
Gene Runion's picture

I cannot make it tonight.