So the way this game works is that I will post a starting image.
The person who replies will state what they saw in my image with "I Spy ....". They will then post a photo of their own that contains what they spied. For Instance in the photo I posted below you could possibly say "I-spy water" and then post a picture which shows water. Other ideas could be castle, dock, grass, trees, sky, lamps, and i am sure there are other items one may spy.
The game continues when the next person will choose something in the previous photo post given as a link to theirs. You can find how to post photos in the How To Use area.
Here is our starting image lets see what you can spy:
I spy clouds
I spy a steering wheel.
I spy light at night.
Blue sky
Looks like we got a reboot from sandy.
I spy a gate
I spy a bee
I spy a bumble bee having its insides sucked out by Florida predatory bugs.
I like your subtlety Gerry!
In Gerry's photo, I spy the color Red!
In Toni's photo I Spy a monument in Washington DC
In Rob's photo I Spy water.
I spy a pier
In Anton's photo, I spy a runner.
I spy a swimming pool
In Toni's photo i spy a reflection
In Rob's photo I spy water
In Sandy's photo I spy a sunset
I spy silhouette trees in Ginger's photo
In Gene's photo I spy the color blue
In Toni's photo I spy a bird
In Gene's photo i spy some pavement
In Rob's photo I spy Green and Pavement!
If it is good enough for Toni to submit after the deadline, so I will I.
Title didn't go on. "I spy boot."
This game goes on forever so no due date for the game only contests.
In Dr. Demas' photo I spy a dancer.