Where do you go to get your exhibition prints printed? Where/how do you get them framed? Local? Online? I would love to hear your recommendations and comments. Including places NOT to go. Still figuring out how to print my Sentara Martha Jefferson print.
Rob Craighurst
Recommendations for local and online printers & framers
Mon, 14/09/2020 - 8:56pm
Recommendations for local and online printers & framers
I use Bryan's Photo Shop for printing (Bryan Parsons), as do a number of others in the club. (Certainly not the ONLY place in town.) He will also do nice job of framing, although I like to do my own. I was in his store yesterday, and he indicated that his lease will end next summer, and he intends to retire at that point. (Good for him, but not for me.) The website for his place is https://www.bryanparsonsphotography.com/ I'll be interested to see what other printers other folks identify.
I've used Stubblefield Photo Lab for printing located in the same location as Foods of All Nations. For framing, www.framebridge.com
Like many others, I use Bryan's Photo for printing. He's excellent and offers a 10% discount to club members. Michaels does a good job of framing and has sales from time-to-time.
I frame myself - I buy mat board cut to my specs from Frame Destination online and sometimes from Shenandoah Framing Inc in Lexington if it is an unusual print size or I need it right away. I use Spanish white ,Bainbridge Alphamat, a quality that doesn't discolor, and Rising white mat from SFI. (Gallery curators don't like "color" mats.) SPI also mats and frames if you want someone else to do it for you. Better quality than Michael's in my experience. And if the drive is too much, they ship all the time to clients.
I buy metal frame parts, acid free linen tape and cleaned glass to my dimensions from Shenandoah Framing Inc. and then put it all together myself. Sometimes I buy the glass - or much cheaper - at a glass shop - but it is so dirty when cut that it takes awhile to clean.
Ben Greenburg also purchases supplies from SPI - YOu can email Sue - at SPI for information. Feel welcome to use my name sue@shenandoahframing.com. She's excellent.
I now print my own but before I had a printer and also for large prints I use Bryan Parsons (Bryan's Photo Store) at Townside Center, 2214 Ivy Rd., Suite 107. He does excellent printing.
Stubblefield Photo Lab is nearby and less expensive but given a choice I'd choose Bryan.
A couple of years ago we had a photo matting workshop and this got me interested in doing my own matting. It's an investment though for a good mat cutter rig.
For framing I use metal frames like Nielsen. Blick's is good and fairly inexpensive. I was using chops from Frameware. Frameware is very good quality and inexpensive.
I buy bulk mat in half sheets of 32x20 and use acid-free foam board for backing, attaching the backing to the mat with linen tape. I use corners for mounting the print so it can be easily removed if need be.
For glazing, I sometimes get acrylic or glass cut at Lowes. Not as fancy as the low glare type but less expensive. Otherwise I order a kit or glazing from Frame Destination or American Frame.