April 2023 Meeting

Thursday, April 13, 2023 - 6:45pm to 8:00pm
Becky Witt
In Focus, Barely

Especially in landscapes and close-ups, photographers strive for the maximum amount of the subject to be in focus, or for the maximum “depth of field.” But beautiful photography can happen with the bare minimum depth of field as well. So, open your eyes--and lens apertures--wide and see what happens!

Meet and Greet 6:30 PM - 6:45 PM EDT


Becky Witt will be judging our competition.  Like her husband, Phil Witt, who judged for us in January, Becky is an avid birder who began photographing birds, then broadened to include all types of nature subjects and then non-nature subjects as well.  She has served on the executive board of New Jersey's only all-nature photography club.  She helps conduct photography workshops for the New Jersey Audobon Society and judges photo competitions for photography clubs around the state.