October Meeting

Thursday, October 13, 2022 - 6:30pm to 7:45pm
Sandi Croan
Abstracts and Altered Reality

Our ongoing theme of photographing "found" abstracts or creating works of art with our cameras and software.  (See the full description of this theme on the CCC website.)

Meet and greet at 6:15 - 6:30

Sandi Croan will judge our Abstract and Altered reality entries.  Sandi is an independent photographer from Centerville who specializes in landscape, nature, and travel photography.  Her photographs have won numerous competitions and awards and have been published in local and national magazines.  Sandi served two terms as president of the Northern Virginia Photographic Society.  She enjoys judging area photo competitions and exhibitions.  After completing her training as a judge, Sandi's first judging experience was at CCC!  You can view a sample of her art at www.sandicroanphotography.com.

Jim Fergus
Jim Fergus's picture
Updated, 8/15/2022.

Updated, 8/15/2022.

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